About Mayan Abdominal Massage
In the Mayan tradition, a woman’s uterus is the center of her being, and a balanced pelvis and womb is seen as pivotal to good health. Flow to the pelvic bowl can be compromised for many reasons, including womb position, digestive issues, emotional or physical trauma (especially involving the hips, sacrum or coccyx), poor posture, abdominal surgeries, adhesions, structural misalignment or cold in the body; and this can affect our well-being in a myriad of ways, including menstrual and digestive dysfunction, fertility issues and back pain.
Mayan Abdominal Massage is a deeply nurturing and holistic practice that focuses on addressing all things that are blocking flow in the pelvis and abdomen, gently helping shift stagnation in the body.
Tanya incorporates these nurturing and specialised massage techniques into ALL treatments, but to really go deep she offers a three hour ‘Deep Dive’ session that allows us the time and space to unfold this beautiful practice in its entirety.
Longer sessions incorporate Yoni Steaming; Mayan Abdominal Massage to help balance the pelvis and womb (including instructions for a self care practice); Acupuncture to balance the body’s resources, invigorate blood flow in the pelvis and shift stagnation; and Mercier technique to work deeper into adhesions and scar tissue.
[***Alternatively, if you wish to forgo Acupuncture and just have Mayan Abdominal massage, booking a Yoni Steam plus 90 minute session allows enough time for the entire protocol. Acupuncture and the other modalities I use are highly beneficial for shifting and balancing the body, but personal choice is always my number one priority.]
Yoni Steaming can also be an add on to any regular treatment, which for women’s health will always involve a combination of Acupuncture and massage.
Our bodies are masters of ‘managing’, however, to be functioning optimally we need to be physically and emotionally free flowing. Many of us experience issues with our menstrual cycle (pain, irregularity, heavy bleeding), sub-optimal digestion, are having trouble conceiving, have pain or restriction due to adhesions from surgery or inflammation, have suffered trauma in our lives, carry with us generational trauma…Tanya’s sessions are designed to help you along the journey of unravelling, releasing and rebuilding; inviting flow on all levels to give the body the space and balance needed to support self-healing.
A holistic approach
Combining Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities (Acupuncture and Moxibustion) with Yoni steaming, Mayan Abdominal Massage and Mercier Therapy techniques, these sessions gently invite the body to allow deeper work that aims to significantly shift all that hinders us from returning to balance.
Recommended treatment plan:
- Incorporating 1 to 3 of these longer sessions in the early part of your treatment journey with Tanya is recommended as a wonderful way to help accelerate your healing process.
- These sessions are deeply moving and so should only be carried out at certain times of the month if you are menstruating and/or trying to conceive.
- For menstruating women these longer sessions should only be performed between the end of the bleed and up to a week before the next bleed begins (or until ovulation if you are trying to conceive).
What to expect in your 'Deep Dive'
Sessions begin with a deeply calming and connecting Yoni steam, infused with a specially selected herbal blend. Vaginal steaming softens and soothes the perineum, gently warming your Yoni, and inviting the plant medicine into the body to move and nourish your blood, tissues and organs.
Acupuncture and Moxibustion are then used to address imbalances identified in the physical, emotional and energetic bodies. Essential oils, energy healing and sound therapy may also be utilised as the called for on the day.
Alternating with this energetic alignment, Mayan Abdominal massage and Mercier therapy techniques are applied to the abdomen and back to help release restrictions, increase blood flow and encourage balance in the pelvis, aiming to address that which is blocking flow in this vital area.
Instructions for a home practice, including the Mayan Abdominal self-care massage and castor oil packs, are also an important part of this session, and take-home resources are provided to ensure you have all you need to continue your healing journey.

Southern Gold Coast QLDNorthern Rivers & North Coast NSW
(Nirvana By The Sea building)
Shop 2 / 1 Douglas Street
Kirra QLD 4225
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